供应美国杜邦PA66 (联系人秦君 ) FE5382: 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized, black polyamide 612 resin developed for electrical bobbins and encapsulation applications(33%玻璃纤维增强,热稳定,黑色尼龙612树脂封装电气线轴和应用开发) FE5555: 35% Glass reinforced black polyamide 66 developed for encapsulation applications(35%玻璃纤维增强尼龙66的黑色封装应用开发) FN714: Very flexible, grafted ionomer modified nylon 66 resin(非常灵活,嫁接离子改性尼龙66树脂) FN718: Zytel? FN718 is a flexible, plasticizer free modified polyamide 66 resin having good heat aging and chemical resistance. (Zytel? FN718是一种灵活的,自由的聚酰胺66增塑剂具有良好的耐热老化和耐化学性树脂改性) FN727: Zytel? FN727 is an impact modified, plasticizer free, very flexible polyamide 6 alloy resin having good low temperature toughness, good heat aging and good chemical resistance.Uses include cable jacketing,hose and tube applications. (Zytel? FN727是影响改性,增塑剂自由,很灵活的尼龙6合金树脂具有良好的低温韧性,良好的耐热老化和良好的化学resistance.Uses包括电缆护套,软管和管的应用) FR7025V0F: Unreinforced, no elemental phosphorous and halogen free(非增强,无元素磷和卤素) FR7026V0F: Unreinforced, no elemental phosphorous and halogen free flame retardant PA66(非增强,无元素磷和无卤阻燃尼龙66) FR70M30V0: 30% Mineral reinforced, flame retardant polyamide 66 resin for injection molding(30%矿物增强,阻燃聚酰胺66树脂注塑成型) FR7280V0: Zytel? FR7280V0 is an unreinforced, flame retardant polyamide 66/6 copolymer for injection molding. It is modified for improved toughness and elongation at break(Zytel? FR7280V0是一种无筋,聚酰胺66/ 6注塑共聚阻燃剂。它被修改,以提高韧性和断裂伸长率) MT409AHS: Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin having good stiffness, improved knit line strength, surface appearance with outstanding processability(中等增韧,**,热稳定聚酰胺66树脂具有良好的刚度,提高加工编织线以优异的强度,表面外观) ST7301: Super Tough, heat stabilized, lubricated polyamide 6 resin for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding impact resistance over a wide temperature and humidity range and high productivity(**级强韧,热稳定,润滑尼龙6树脂注塑成型和挤压。它可在很宽的温度和湿度范围和高生产率出色的抗冲击性) ST801: Zytel? ST801 is an unreinforced, super tough polyamide 66 for injection molding and extrusion. It offers outstanding break resistance over a wide temperature and humidity range and high productivity.( Zytel? ST801是一种无筋,**韧尼龙注塑成型和挤出66。它可在很宽的温度和湿度范围和高生产率良好打破阻力) ST801HS: Zytel? ST801HS is a heat stabilized Super Tough nylon 66 resin. It offers outstanding impact resistance and high productivity.( Zytel? ST801HS是稳定的**韧尼龙66树脂热。它提供了出色的抗冲击性和高生产率) ST811: ST801A: Super Tough, high performance, polyamide 66 resin. It is partially UV stabilized and when appropriately colored offers limited protection to indirect sunlight exposure.( **级强韧,**,聚酰胺66树脂。这是部分紫外线稳定和适当的颜色时,提供有限的保护,以间接阳光照射) ST801AHS: Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It offers outstanding molding performance in injection molding applications.( **级强韧,**聚酰胺66树脂。它提供了出色的成型注塑成型应用的性能) ST801AW: Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin. It is UV stabilized and when appropriately colored, offers the best resistance to indirect sunlight in automotive interior applications.( **级强韧,**聚酰胺66树脂。它是紫外线稳定和适当的颜色时,提供了较好的抵抗在汽车内部应用间接的阳光) ST811HS: Rubber modified nylon 6 resin. Very flexible.( 橡胶改性尼龙6树脂。非常灵活) WRF101A: Zytel? WRF101A is an unreinforced lubricated PA 66 resin modified for excellent flow and improved wear and friction characteristics.( Zytel? WRF101A是一种无筋润滑尼龙66树脂良好的流动和改进磨损和摩擦特性修改) WRF403: 30% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized PA66 resin containing Teflon? PTFE micropowder(30%玻璃纤维增强,热稳定PA66树脂含有特富龙?聚微粉) WRF500: Zytel? WRF500 NC010 is a heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin modified with Teflon? PTFE Micropowder and Kevlar?. It is designed for superior wear resistance in applications requiring low wear and/or low friction(Zytel? WRF500 NC010是热带Teflon?聚酰胺聚微粉和Kevlar?66树脂改性稳定。它是专为需要**的**性低磨耗申请和/或低摩擦) 408HS:A new, improved heat stabilized modified nylon 66. Heat Stabilized(一种新的,改进的热稳定改性尼龙66。热稳定) 408L:Zytel? 408L NC010 is a general purpose, lubricated, modified nylon 66 resin with superior toughness.( Zytel?408L NC010是一种通用,润滑,改性尼龙66树脂具有**强韧性)
昆騰化工有限公司總部位於東莞市黃江鎮,是一家工程塑料貿易股份企業, 我們秉承“以誠為本,信譽至上”的經營理念,致力成為塑膠行業的專業顧問, 以技術和服務贏得客戶的信賴與支持。靈敏的信息及靈活的策略,使我們不斷的成長,滿足不同客戶的需求。 經營的品種有PA66/6、PC、POM、PPS、LCP、PMMA、PC/ABS、PC/PBT、PC/PET、PPO、PBT、 TPU、ABS、PEI、PTFE、PEEK、PFA、PVDF、PEP、COC、PPA、PES及改性PA66、PA6、LCP、TPV、TPE、TPEE 聚碳酸酯及其合金材料 自進入市場以來,與臺灣奇美、沙特SABIC(美國GE)、德國拜耳、日本帝人、 美國杜邦、臺化、南韓、日本宇部、日本住友、東麗、三菱、寶理、美國陶氏、瑞士EMS、荷蘭*、 日本可樂麗、日本三井化學、台灣奇美、美國RTP、德國BASF、美國LNP、韓國三星等眾多供貨商保持著良好的關係, 為客戶提供多樣化優質選擇。我司憑著**的實力,公司業務遍佈全國各地,出眾的品質,合理的價格, 以及完善的服務,一直倍受客戶的好評.本公司貨源充足,熱忱歡迎新老客戶親臨、來電洽談! 作為一個**成長的企業,昆騰尤其重視員工技能/素質的培養。 我們的每位銷售工程師都將以较專業的服務為您提供從選材到加工*的技術支持。 同時公司備有強大的塑膠數據庫,能為您提供物性表、UL黃卡、ROHS、MSDS、 設計加工指南等資料,為客戶提供较優質的服務! 您的滿意是對我們较大的肯定,您的成功是我們不變的追求! 追赶吴越同舟的竞争与合作的境界。 ! 平等、诚信、合作、发展”。 在所有领域大踏步前进“