• 供应Vector自动化染色试剂


  • 2010-10-19 10:30 163
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:上海市包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:23405137公司编号:472017
  • 苏凌峰 销售部经理
    021-55221162 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    相关产品: 试剂
    Most of the VECTASTAIN® ABC kits, ImmPRESS™ Reagents, and Vector’s other enzyme and fluorescent-based detection products can be easily adapted for use on automated staining instruments that allow user-supplied reagents. Many of the detection systems offered in this catalog can produce the same high sensitivity and background-free, specific staining results with these automated instruments as those obtained using manual staining techniques.    
    In addition to greatly expanding the number of detection reagent choices and antigen visualization preferences, the use of Vector® reagents may result in substantial cost savings. These savings can result from the purchase of concentrated reagent kits or bulk reagents. Indirect savings may also be realized by an ability to further dilute expensive primary antibodies.    
    产 品 名 称 目 录 号 规  格 
    1.Automated Staining Reagents自动染色试剂 
    Antigen Unmasking Solution, Citric Acid Based H-3300 250 ml   
    Antigen Unmasking Solution, High pH  H-3301  250 ml   
    Avidin/Biotin Blocking Kit  SP-2001   1 kit    
    Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Immunohistochemical Grade  SP-5050  500mg 
    2.Biotinylated Anti-Immunoglobulins 生物素化IgG 
    Biotinylated Anti-Cat IgG (H+L), made in goat  BA-9000  1.5mg 
    Biotinylated Anti-Chicken IgG (H+L), made in goat BA-9010 1.5 mg  
    Biotinylated Anti-Goat IgG (H+L), made in horse  BA-9500 1.5 mg  
    3.Counterstains 复染剂 
    VECTOR Hematoxylin  H-3401  500 ml  
    VECTOR Hematoxylin QS H-3404  100 ml 
    VECTOR Methyl Green  H-3402   500 ml  
    VECTOR Nuclear Fast Red  H-3403   500 ml    
    4.Enzyme Avidin Conjugates 酶-亲和素复合物 
    Alkaline Phosphatase Avidin D  A-2100   100 U  
    Beta-Galactosidase Avidin D A-2300   100 U 
    Glucose Oxidase Avidin D A-2200  5 mg  
    Horseradish Peroxidase Avidin D, Concentrate A-2004  5 mg  
    R.T.U. Horseradish Peroxidase Avidin D  A-2704 100 ml  
    5.Enzyme Streptavidin Conjugates 酶-链霉素复合物 
    Alkaline Phosphatase Streptavidin SA-5100  1 ml  
    Horseradish Peroxidase Streptavidin, Concentrate  SA-5004   1 mg   
    R.T.U. Horseradish Peroxidase Streptavidin  SA-5704  100 ml  
    6.Fluorescent Avidin Conjugates 荧光亲和素复合物 
    AMCA Avidin D  A-2008  5 mg 
    Fluorescein Avidin D  A-2001  5 mg  
    Fluorescein Avidin DCS, Cell Sorting Grade  A-2011   1 mg   
    Fluorescein Avidin DN  A-3101  1 mg  
    Fluorescent Avidin Kit  A-1100  1 kit   
    Phycoerythrin Avidin D  A-2007 1 mg    
    Rhodamine Avidin D, TMRITC A-2002  5 mg 
    Rhodamine Avidin DCS, Cell Sorting Grade  A-2012 1 mg   
    Rhodamine600 Avidin D, XRITC A-2005 5 mg 
    Texas Red Avidin D A-2006 5 mg 
    Texas Red Avidin DCS, Cell Sorting Grade A-2016  1 mg  
    7.Fluorescent Streptavidin Conjugates荧光素-链霉素复合物 
    AMCA Streptavidin  SA-5008  1 mg 
    Fluorescein Streptavidin  SA-5001   1 mg  
    Fluorescent Streptavidin Kit SA-1200   1 kit  
    Texas Red Streptavidin  SA-5006   1 mg    
    8.ImmPRESS Peroxidase Reagents 
    ImmPRESS Anti-Goat Ig (peroxidase) Kit  MP-7405 50 ml   
    ImmPRESS Anti-Mouse Ig (peroxidase) Kit MP-7402  50 ml  
    ImmPRESS Anti-Rabbit Ig (peroxidase) Kit MP-7401 50 ml  
    ImmPRESS Universal Antibody (anti-mouse Ig/anti-rabbit Ig, peroxidase) Kit MP-7500  50 ml 
    9.Normal Sera 常血清 
    Normal Chicken Serum S-3000  20 ml  
    Normal Goat Serum S-1000   20 ml   
    Normal Horse Serum S-2000 20 ml  
    Normal Rabbit Serum S-5000   20 ml  
    Normal Swine Serum S-4000   20 ml  
    10.Substrates (Alkaline Phosphatase) for Automated Staining 
    Levamisole Solution  SP-5000  18 ml 
    VECTOR Blue Substrate Kit  SK-5300 1 kit  

    上海桑戈生物科技有限公司是一家**销售国内外生化试剂、实验耗材,并向客户提供**的技术支持服务的生物科技公司。公司秉承“以客户为中心、视质量为生命、以信誉求发展”的发展理念,在客户的大力支持和公司员工的不懈努力下**了**的成长。公司努力将较新、较良好的产品及时介绍**给广大客户,使我国的科研能与世界同步。"以信誉求发展"与广大客户建立信任关系,与科研工作者一起为中国生物技术的突起而努力。“以客户为中心、视质量为生命 “将决定我们的经营宗旨是“一切为了客户,为了一切生物学客户”!

    欢迎来到上海桑戈生物科技有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海公司街道地址,联系人是苏凌峰。
    单位注册资金:人民币 50 万元 - 100 万元。

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