成都金捷诺休闲游艺设备有限公司位于“天府之国”美誉的四川省会---成都。是一家致力于开发、生产、售后服务于一体的综合性现代企业。公司自04年正式成立以来,经过不懈努力,已经拥有一批**,勇于**的**技术团队。公司经营︰室内外体育健身器材、游乐设备、儿童玩具、幼教和环卫设施;运动场馆、喷泉泳池及水上工程的策划、设计、施工及设备供应。我们将以*管理、*的质量和*的服务,不断开拓**。与新老客户一道携手共进,共同创造较加灿烂的美好未来。同时热忱欢迎各届人士光临。 我们的宗旨︰质量**,客户至上,诚信为本。 我们的目标︰为客户提供完善的服务、满意的产品、公道的价格; 让客户满意,无后顾之忧。 Introduction:Chengdu Kingchannel Recreation Co., Ltd. is a specialized company that devotes on design, selling and installing of gymnastic equipment, preschool education toys, playing equipment and waterscape equipment for gardens. The company provide good quality and low price products and service for customers and treating customers as god. Through the whole staff’s cooperation and creation, our company has been received support and help of the customers and friends, and regarded as one of the firms that the products are the greatest variety, and superior in quality. 成都金捷诺休闲游艺设备有限公司 公司地址:成都营门口路439号幸福丽景B幢5-7号 电 话: 87541028 手 机: 传 真: 厂 址:成都市全兴路涧漕村158号 电 话: 66794630 网 址:jinjienuo 电子邮件: 在 线