TD-552白芳纶盘根 该盘根由由纯进口白色芳纶弹性合成纤维(NOMEX)密实编织而成,并浸渍非硅油润滑剂,具有较高的截面密度和结构强度、优良的润滑性,柔软贴于表面,耐磨但不磨轴。 TD-552 Nomex Fiber Packing the packing made of ** white elastic Nomex yarn, each strand impregnated with PTFE-dispersion during the braiding process, with a silicon-oil-free lubricant.The high mechanical strength of the Nomex fibre, combined with the elaborate braiding process, results in a soft and pliable packing with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance. Because of the low coefficient of friction, shaft wear is largely avoided, even at high shaft speeds. No excessive heat build-up between the packing rings and the turning shaft; the packing runs cool, remains soft and flexible, resulting in longer service life. 特别适用于标准化的工业领域,例如:造纸、制糖业、汽水系统、电站及冷却水和河水的调整,透平油的循环,以及其它不允许污染的泵、搅拌器、混合器、精炼机等设备,且安装容易。适用于含固体颗粒的易磨损介质,推荐使用于过热蒸汽、溶剂、液化汽、糖浆及其它易磨流体。 Designed for all kinds of pumps, mixers, agitators, reactors, etc. for the chemical industry, pulp and paper, *age plants, and many more. It is suitable for use with a wide variety of media in many different processes, including water, *age, steam, solvents, chemicals, acids and caustics, as well as general service applications where a mechanically strong packing is required. The excellent malleability makes this packing very easy to handle, it installs quickly and easily. Because the packing remains soft and flexible, leakage can be adjusted to a very low level, readjustment of the gland follower is hardly necessary 服务范围 SERVICE LIMITS 项目 ITEM 旋转泵Rotating 往复泵Reciprocating 静密封 Static 工作压力Pressure Psi bar Kg/cm2 25 50 100 轴速Shaft speed M/s 13 2 密度Density g/cm3 1.3 温度Temperature °C -100~+280°C PH值 PH range 1-13 常规尺寸 STOCK DIMENSIONS 截面尺寸Sizemm 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 约appr. m/kg 35 22 16 9.0 5.6 3.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 公斤/卷kg/coil 2 5
慈溪鼎恒密封材料有限公司位于浙江省慈溪市,地处东海之滨,杭州湾南岸。慈溪是中国国家密封产业集群**基地,随着2008年世界较长大桥杭州湾跨海大桥的建成通车,连接宁波和上海2大都市,是长江三角洲南翼环杭州湾地区沪、杭、甬三大都市经济金三角的中心。公司致力于密封材料及制品的开发、生产与研究,服务于石油、化工、机械、汽车、内燃机、电力、冶金、航天、**、核工业等工业部门。作为专业的生产企业,公司提供*的流体密封和高温防护方案的解决,为满足客户需求,也引进及代理国外的着名密封品牌产品。我们的宗旨:诚信**,质量为本,科学管理,勇于创新,为大家创建一个环保、安全的环境! 公司主要产品: 1、盘根填料类 四氟盘根、芳纶盘根、高碳纤维盘根、石墨盘根、植物纤维盘根、合成纤维盘根、泥状软填料等; 2、密封垫片类 金属缠绕垫片、金属包覆垫片、高强石墨复合垫片、金属齿形垫片、金属环垫、金属O型圈、橡胶垫片、无石棉垫片、石棉橡胶垫片、玻璃纤维垫片、陶瓷纤维垫片、高温云母垫片、四氟垫片、改性四氟垫片、膨胀四氟带状垫片、膨胀四氟垫片、玻璃纤维蝌蚪带等; 3、密封板材类 无石棉板、石棉橡胶板、四氟板、改性四氟板、膨胀四氟板、云母板、软木橡胶板、石墨板等; 4、高温防护制品类 耐热套管、耐热护毯、耐热搭扣套管、耐热自粘缠带、反辐射套管、反辐射护毯、反辐射搭扣套管、高硅氧布、高硅氧带、高硅氧套管等; 5、密封工具类 盘根刀、盘根取出工具、垫片切割器、软填料注射枪等; 6、密封设备类 金属包覆机、大中小缠绕机、自动缠绕机、点焊机、盘环机等。 欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。