Mechanical torque limiting clutches are the only reliable
means of maximising the productivity and economic
efficiency of machines and systems. These clutches prevent
damage in case of malfunctions and collisions and therefore
also expensive downtimes and repairs.
In the food industry, the chemical industry and in process
engineering, wet conditions, cleaning liquids and aggressive
media are part of the everyday ambient conditions, which
only torque limiting clutches with high-quality corrosion
protection are able to withstand without any damage over
long periods of time.
Standard torque limiting clutches are normally unsuitable for
such application fields.
mayr power transmission offers various types of clutches,
which are optimally suited for such application fields.
The range includes open designs made of stainless steels,
sealed, rustproof clutches, as well as complete, ready-tomount
units with standard flanges for integration between
the motor and the gearbox (see brochure EAS-HTL Housed
Torque Limiter).
Completely made of
rustproof stainless steel *
Completely made of rustproof stainless
steel with seal *
We manufacture the EAS-Compact in
rustproof design for your series requirements.
Identical in construction to the EAS-Compact
standard version
No penetration of cleaning liquids or any other media,
no emission of grease
Completely closed due to rustproof seal
Synchronous function
Automatic re-engagement
Mechanical separation of input and
output in case of overload
Exact torque limitation due to high
disengagement and repeat accuracies
Permanent backlash-free
torque transmission
Low mass moment of inertia
due to compact design
Easy torque adjustment
Long service lifetime due to hardened
functional components
Application of lubricants approved
for the food industry
上海亘旺自动化科技有限公司位于中国活力的魅力之都上海。亘旺集自动化技术研发、设备制造、软件系统开发等科工贸于一体的大型自动化有限公司,为众多行业的工艺自动化和信息化提供完整的解决方案。公司主要从事工业自动化系统、自动化智能产品、工业控制软件系统,代理销售各类进口自动化产品等四大方面的开发和应用。 亘旺与欧美多家优质生产厂商建立长期的,优质的合作关系,自公司成立起即遵循'务实创新、诚实守信、以人为本”的企业宗旨和“诚信、专业、共赢”的经营理念为广大用户提供优质的产品及周到的服务。 亘旺是集解决方案、采购、仓储、物流、销售、售后服务为一体的全面整合服务企业。服务领域涉及机械制造工业,工厂自动化,**,航空/航天,电力,冶金,煤矿,石化等领域。其产品质量可靠、规格齐全、价格优惠,被广泛应用于**机械,机床制造业、注塑机械、焊割机械、纺织机械、印刷包装机械、木工机械、玻璃加工机械、雕刻机械、工业自动化设备、医疗器械、健身器材、汽车制造业、精密测量仪器、航天设备等。 亘旺拥有一支充满朝气、富有开拓精神的优秀团队。团队构成以工程师和技术工人为主,拥有丰富的设计与应用经验,在业务上专注、严谨、认真,熟悉工控行业的质量体系标准。公司在管理上实现项目化、流程化、标准化和时间化管理。公司注重通过与高等院校、科研机构进行产学研合作,不断将具有自主知识产权的技术应用于产业。 上海亘旺自动化科技有限公司秉承“实现客户需求,追赶客户期望”的原则,与客户紧密合作,满足客户不断增长的需求。公司在技术研发的道路上,紧跟****技术、持续改进、持续创新,为众多企业实现产业**升级。 “海纳百川、追求卓越、开明睿智、大气谦和”——亘旺人精神。