过程产生的不同的结果被分类到四种类型的报告,即主报告,表格,地图和图表报告。由于标准化,用户可以了解分析的特点,此外,在执行任务后,他们应该可以找得到结果的位置。 基于会话的过程执行。在NetMiner中的分析模块通过基于会话的方式执行。当模型被选择后,相应的会话被打开,包含了和模型有关的输入数据,处理选项,执行活动和结果。通过基于会话的结构,NetMiner会记住用于执行的所有过程,并允许其创新功能,比如探索和what-if分析。
Get NetMiner Explore your network data visually and interactively and detect underlying patterns and structures of the network
It helps to get a structural view on public. Based on customers’ purchase history or social activities data, NetMiner analyzes out the customer set to the buying pattern by organizing customer network, which is utilized for product recommendation as marketing activities. NetMiner analyzes out formal and informal relationships within organization. By diagnosing the communication inhibitors, it helps users to take measures for improving knowledge and information flow and communication efficiency, NetMiner helps to project and visualize each suspect’s individual connections onto a whole network and to reveal covert or collusive relationship.
Lite 1,000 Great ‘Test-Drive’ for beginner. This minimum functions ensure meaningful results Standard 10,000 Appropriate Edition for beginner. A variety of advanced network analysis and plugins are available. Pro 100,000 For Intermediate with advanced needs. You can get a new insight through various measures. Premium 1,000,000 Best Edition for High performance. Enjoy all functions of NetMiner. Semantic Network 100,000 Perfect Edition for those who interested in discovering keywords and topics from TEXT data such as SNS, Article. Make Own Edition Make your own Edition. You can separately select ‘Package’ and ‘Data Size’
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