If you don’t have a name for your category yet, you can use highlighters to mark important text passages. Of course with a professional interview transcription software like MAXQDA, you can code many more data types, such as audio and video files, or social media data.
Whether it’s a simple text document, Excel table or PDF file, a picture, audio or video file, an SPSS or bibliographic record, even a tweet or * comments: you can analyze it with MAXQDA! You can even import whole webpages with the MAXQDA Web Collector – as a PDF with searchable text (OCR) or as an image.
Create your code system Coding qualitative data (categorizing interview) lies at the heart of many qualitative data analysis approaches. Coding refers to the process of assigning a code to a segment of your material. A code can be described as a label used to name phenomena in a text or an image.
Analyze your interview transcript with MAXQDA With MAXQDA as your interview transcription and analysis software, you have plenty of options regarding your interview transcription analysis.
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