XE100W电动滤光片氙灯光源 (推荐高校 光谱测试、太阳能模拟器 进口光源) XE100W Xe Light Source 100W氙灯光源采用无臭氧氙灯(6002)作为照明光源,氙灯光谱覆盖紫外、可见和近红外,和太阳光谱极其近似,广泛作为太阳能模拟器。因高功率、宽谱输出而受吸收和荧光激发等欢迎。光谱范围260n以上,无臭氧。 The XE100 uses the 6002 100 W Ozone Free Xe lamp as its illumination source. Xe arc lamps produce a spectral output curve that is almost featureless in the UV and NIR regions, with characteristic Xe lines emitted from 750-1000 nm. Due to their sun-like emission spectrum, Xe lamps are widely used for solar simulation applications. Their high intensity, broadband output also make them popular excitation sources for absorbance and fluorescence applications. The 6002 is an Ozone Free Xe lamp, useful for applications that do not require wavelength emission below 260 nm and features an ellipsoidal reflector to maximize light throughput throughout the 100 W Xe Light Source. 主要特点: 简单光学耦合 完全集成、即插即用 光强可调 手动光开关 Features: Easy Optical Coupling Fully Integrated, Plug and Play System Adjustable Lamp Intensity Manual Shutter 技术参数(Technical Specs) 灯泡类型(Lamp Type):Xe, Ozone Free 灯泡功率(Lamp Wattage):100 W 光斑直径(Output Beam Size):33 mm 灯泡寿命(Average life):1000 h 发散角Beam Divergence,:Half Angle4.0 ± 0.5 ° F/#:F/4 透镜材料(Lens Material):Fused Silica 光谱范围(Spectra Range):260-2500 nm 光波动(Light Ripple):<0.2 % rms 线性(Line Regulation):001 输入(Power Requirements): 200-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 滤光片片尺寸(Filter Size):25.4 mm 滤光片轮(Filter Wheel):Six Positions (Order Filters Separately) 操作温度(Operating Temperature):5 to 40 °C 操作适度(Operating Humidity):<80% relative humidity (non-condensing) 光学开关: 光学开关用于关闭光路,不需要光照时保护使用人员免受紫外线辐射,比如:预热光源、安装光学元件,无需频繁开关光源。 Manual Shutter: A manual shutter is integrated into the THL100 to allow the user to close off the light path, blocking any light output from the system. This allows the user to be protected from UV radiation when light output is not required, such as warming up the lamp while preparing a setup or making a minor change in setup, without frequent and unnecessary restarts of the lamp. 六档滤光片轮: 六档滤光片轮,可以安装1-6个不同滤光片,直径25.4mm(1英寸),便于滤光片。 Integrated Six Position Filter Wheel: A filter wheel is integrated into the assembly of the THL100. Up to six order-sorting or neutral density filters can added (1.0 in or 25.4 mm diameter, 0.2 in. or 6 mm thickness) and filters can be changed. Xenon Arc Lamp, 100 W 100 W氙灯灯泡(6002) 光、光纤耦合接口(Optical Coupling Accessories) 360°光路转向器 360°旋转,镀ALMgF2增反膜,光谱范围200-2500nm,用于宽谱输出。 Full Reflector Beam Turning Mirror, 200-20,000 nm The Full Reflector Beam Turning Mirror is are coated with an AlMgF2 coating optimized to increase reflectivity in the ultraviolet. It is useful from 200 nm to 30 μm spectral range. Use it when broadband output is needed.
北京纽比特科技有限公司(NBeT)是一家集研发、销售、服务为一体的技术型企业,现以太阳能电池光谱性能测试系统,太阳能光谱响应测试系统,太阳能IV特性测试系统,太阳光模拟器,煤炭粘度分析仪,生物、医学、物理、化学检测分析用光源,科研多波段光源,污水处理等为主要产品线,在科研,生物,光电产业,水处理中都可应用。对技术研发的重视和投入,自成立以来一贯秉持“专业、品质、服务”的经营理念,专业从事于煤炭分析仪器和光学等新能源仪器的开发和应用,经过不懈努力不断促进NBeT向前发展进步。 北京纽比特科技有限公司紧跟科研步伐,服务于中科院和各大高校,目前产品覆盖:光催化、光催化降解反应仪、光解仪、光催化氧化合成反应仪、光合成仪、细胞照射机、交联仪、光电催化ipce**效率QE仪、药物研发相关设备、单色仪、光谱仪、电化学工作站和各种科研实验光源:氙灯光源、模拟日光氙灯光源、强紫外灯、紫外线灯、LED灯、氘灯、科研钨灯、各种波长激光器、LED、单色仪、波长可调单色光源、碳化硅红外光源等... ... 联系方式: TEL010-82433150 FAX010-82433097 车经理 13521743506*号