MATLAB 工具箱经过开发、严格测试并拥有完善的帮助文档。
With MathWorks data acquisition products, you can access data from hardware such as data acquisition boards, test and measurement instruments, CAN bus interface devices, and imaging devices. You also have direct access to data from ODBC-compliant or JDBC-compliant databases, OPC servers, and several financial data servers. MathWorks data acquisition products provide direct access to data to enable live visualization and analysis and streamline automation of repetitive tasks that require data from external sources.
Matlab在机电一体化的应用 Developing mechatronic systems requires integrating mechanical, electrical, control, and embedded software subsystems. Model-Based Design and MathWorks products enable you to design and simulate all of these domains in a single environment. Through desktop and real-time simulations, you can: Predict and optimize system performance Understand and manage complex system interactions Detect design inefficiencies and integration errors early during development Verify and test mechatronic systems such as motor control using fewer hardware prototypes. Eliminate manual coding errors by automatically generating code from the simulation model
Hardware for Project-Based Learning Hands-on learning with MATLAB, Simulink, and low-cost hardware means students create cool projects while building valuable expertise.
or connect to live sources such as data acquisition hardware and financial data feeds Manage and clean data using datatypes and preprocessing capabilities for programmatic and interactive data preparation, including apps for ground-truth labeling Document data analysis with MATLAB graphics and the Live Editor notebook environment Apply domain-specific feature engineering techniques for sensor, text, image,
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SPSS, Stata, Minitab, Matlab, GAMS, Mathematica, Tableau, SAS, LinGo, Mplus, @risk, Risk Simulator, EViews,NVivo/Atlas.ti/MaxQDA, 动态均衡模型,静态均衡模型,OxMetrics,Vensim/Ithink/Stella,Crystal Ball ,Alogit,GAUSS,GTAP,GEMPACK,HLM,Lisrel,NCSS,Netminer,Nlogit ,Stat/Transfer,SUDAAN,SYSTAT,TreeAge,PASS,nQuery,UCINET,RATS/CATS,Latent GOLD,Kwalitan,NeuroSolutions,TableCurve
PSCAD,Enerplot,FACE,E-Tran,SIDRA TRIP,SIDRA INTERSECTION,Remo 3D,HOMER,Surfer,Grapher,Sigmaplot,GraphPad Prism,
KaleidaGraph,Mapviewer ,Voxler ,Strater,Didger,RFFlow
Hydrus,GMS/SMS/WMS ,Visual Modflow,Flo-2d,Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS)Geostudio,RockWorks,PetraSim,AquaChem,
AquiferTest,Hydro GeoAnalyst,Groundwater Vistas,TerrSet
Sequencher,SIMCA ,Wien2k,Q-chem,Chembiooffice ,Chembiodraw ,The Unscrambler ,Spartan,Array Designer ,Beacon Designer ,
AlleleID ,Beacon Designer,Chemcraft,ChromasPro,CLIMEX DYMEX,Geneious,PC-ORD,Primer Premier,PrimerPlex ,
RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases,GPMAW ,CrystalMaker ,FlowJo ,CLIMEX DYMEX
EndNote ,Scientific WorkPlace ,Intel Fortran Composer ,Lahey Fortran,Camtasia ,CAD Viewer ,MathType ,Word2TeX,TeX2Word