Dispersion plate is mainly used for coatings, paints, dyes, paints, inks, adhesives, food, medicine, chemical liquid, emulsion and liquid solid materials such as product grinding, mixing and grinding the company supplies, accessories is conventional dispersion machine, grinding machine, crusher, mixer, emulsifying machine and other mechanical equipment.
The working principle of the dispersing disk: the dispersing disk is attached to the high speed disperser, and is connected to the main shaft of the high-speed disperser. When the spindle of the distributor runs at high speed, the rotating disk appears rotating state at the upper and lower parts of the distributor, and at the same time it forms a turbulent zone at the edge 2.5-5mm. The upper and lower teeth of the dispersing plate are subjected to high-speed shearing, impact, crushing and dispersing of the paint, paint, dry powder and solid liquid so as to achieve rapid mixing, dissolution, dispersion and refinement.
叶轮转速一般推荐为叶片周边线速度V=18-25m/s。分散膨胀型漆料时可低至15米/ 秒。
物料能否循环对良好的分散作用较为重要。即使具有相同的线速度, 小叶轮也比大叶轮效果差, 原因是循环作用不完全, 外部物料不能循环到叶轮分散区域。加大叶轮直径或改变叶轮型式, 可改善物料循环状态。当然, 减少漆料粘度也可达到这一目的。锯齿型叶轮:
仍在使用的一种叶轮型式,在圆周边缘处上下交替弯出锯齿形, 倾斜角为沿切线方向成20 ~ 40° ,每个齿的立缘面E 可产生强冲击作用。齿外缘面F 推动物料向外流动, 形成循环与剪力。实际上, 齿附近的物料一部分被加速甩出, 一部分向内减速滑过齿内缘面H , 这就强化了剪力作用。漆料循环到齿附近, 不断受到加速或减速, 在粘度剪力作用下被分散。
佛山市锐勒机械有限公司主要供应的产品有:各类分散机、不锈钢拉缸,搅拌机、砂磨机、三辊机,过滤设备、油漆油墨灌装设备、反应釜全套设备、各种化工非标设备。产品适应领域:油漆、油墨、浆料、染料、胶黏剂、固化剂、**溶剂、陶瓷、洗涤用品、日用化学品、农药、医药、油脂、食品、饮料。 公司较大特色:为用户提供一系列切合需求的产品配套方案,提供优质的项目实施方案,承担有关售前的技术咨询,售中、售后的技术支持等工作。我们秉承全心全意服务客户的原则,将客户需求作为家华机械工作的根本出发点,及时与客户沟通信息,解决实际工作中的各种问题,一切让用户满意!