is the official online service of the City of Lahti. The City of Lahti owns the copyright to the texts and images on the website. Unauthorised use of the materials is prohibited.
The City accepts no responsibility for any false information on the website or damage, costs or inconveniences caused by downtime. The site also contains links to other online services. The City of Lahti accepts no responsibility for the validity of the information provided by external service providers.
烁晋自动化控制系统(上海)有限公司多年专注于自动润滑、气动液压等领域,从2013年开始开展业务,多年深耕致力于给客户提供优质专业的服务。本公司在德国柏林设有办事处,与欧洲工厂保持长期良好的合作关系。为国内多家国企央企、大型综合MRO公司及贸易经销商提供专业服务。 公司主营产品:德国perma注油器,wolfgang warmbier静电测试设备,riegler气动产品,tival机械压力开关。