BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. is a company with more than 20 years of experience, specializing in the rendering industry, and is a professional manufacturer of processing equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has developed and provided a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment to meet the different needs of customers. Besides, BEIHAI XINHONG HENGDA has over the years committed to improve the quality of equipment, whose products have been long at the forefront of the industry in terms of quality and performance.
Fish meal, or fishmeal, is a commercial product mostly made from fish that are not generally used for human consumption. It is powder or cake obtained by drying the fish or fish trimmings, often after cooking, and then grinding it. The use of fishmeal is that it is rich in protein and can be used as animal feed.
The company introduced the European ATLAS advanced production technology, coupled with professional and technical R&D team many years of practical experience in the field, successfully developed a series of various specifications and processing capacity of equipment for fishmeal and fish oil, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, etc. The equipment has a capacity ranging from 80 tons to 600 tons per 24 hours. A series of production line equipment such as Cooker, Press, Dryer, Cooler, Evaporator, have the best performance, quality, and stability in the industry.
We sincerely hope to be able to create benefits for all our customers, good service to all customers. We sincerely welcome every customer to cooperate with us to create a better future.
公司是我国华南地区生产鱼粉加工成套设备的厂家,从事鱼粉设备研发已有数年历史,是一家集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的机械制造企业,拥有从欧洲引进的**生产工艺以及自主开发的多项创新技术。具备两个鱼粉设备研发加工制造基地,占地面积20亩生产鱼粉设备,鱼油设备,肉骨粉设备,动物炼油设备,连续水解羽毛粉设备。建有厂房车间13000多平方米,生产厂房规范,设备设施,供电供水系统完备,产品质量检验仪器完整。拥有一批高、中级技术职称科技人员,其中机械工程技术人员25人,有*熟练机械制作员工90多人,公司与北海职业技术学院、中国海洋大学建立了良好的合作关系,并与国内外诸多鱼粉加工厂有业务往来,具备产学研合作开发的条件,使产品研发试验有良好的基础。产品国内销售主要是在山东、广东、广西、海南等省份,国外销售主要是在非洲国家如南非、毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔、几内亚、摩洛哥、突尼斯,亚洲国家有越南、印度、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、泰国、菲律宾、阿曼等,欧美洲国家有秘鲁、墨西哥、意大利等。 2014年在的支持下,公司积极响应国家“走出去”和“”方针,在非洲的毛里塔尼亚投资了大型鱼粉厂,主要生产和销售鱼粉和鱼油。该厂建造在靠近鱼资源丰富的大西洋海岸线附近,减少了鱼资源的运输费用,北海新宏恒达机械设备有限公司自主创新开发的国家授权**技术成果对本项产业链协同创新发展**项目的实施提供了较强的技术依托基础,主要**技术成果累计共11项,2010年09月至2012年12月,公司承担了2010年度国家创新立和广西科学研究及技术开发计划(桂科攻1095004)“新型节能封闭式湿法鱼粉加工设备”项目。经过两年的试制研究,成功开发出全封闭式湿法鱼粉加工设备,产品生产能力从80吨增加至600吨,满足了不同客户的需求。完成了合同约定的各项经济技术指标,通过了国家科技部创新管理中心和广西科技厅的项目验收。