嵊州市DHL快递公司 嵊州市DHL快递服务网点:
1. Requirements for express delivery: We do not accept prohibited items by air express delivery. If any freight is found, we will not refund it. Our company will not bear
any responsibility or expenses caused by illegal goods. Fragile items should be securely packaged by customers themselves.
2. Face to face requirements: There must be an accurate recipient, company, address, phone number, and interior name. If our company finds that the above informationis not detailed on the surface list, we will arrange shipment only after you provide complete information.
3. Customs taxes: The shipping fee does not include invoice taxes and import tariffs of the destination country. If the recipient refuses to pay customs duties, remotearea delivery surcharges, change of address fees, fines, and other miscellaneous fees, they will be automatically changed to be paid by the shipper and directly included
in the settlement statement.
4. Volume calculation: If the actual weight is light and the volume is large, the calculation will be based on the volume weight (length cm) × Width cm × Based on theheight of cm/5000=kg,.
5. Compensation for loss: the uninsured goods shall be at the declared value of the commercial invoice of the goods, but the maximum compensation amount shallnot exceed 800 yuan per package and 100 yuan per document, otherwise the customer can purchase the goods insurance by himself; If a claim is required, please apply to our company within 30 days from the date of shipment, and the processing period is 30 days. Otherwise, our company has the right not to process it, and the insurance fee will be charged at 3% of the total insurance amount.
欢迎来到盐城DHL国际快递,盐城DHL国际快递服务于苏北地区各个城市:盐城,徐州,连云港,淮安,宿迁,泰州,扬州等。(DHL)国际快递进出口的参与者。诚信服务,周到,价格优惠。普货渠道承接:文件,私人物品,机械配件,纺织品,塑料模具。化工品类:液体,粉末,电池等。服务之广泛,范围之大。贸易行业不断的在发展壮大,我们国际快递物流行业也在不断的稳定创新以更好的达到客户们寄件的要求,客户满意才让我们安心。诚挚邀请您的加入,期待与您合作共创未来!欢迎致电联系。我们为您服务! 可上门收货,全程递送,门到门服务,专人为您设计递送渠道取向,让您以更低的成本完成更快速更高质量的商品贸易往来。我们秉承“用我的时间,做您的工作。您的利益高于一切”。 推崇以" 恪守诚信,用心服务,以质为本" 的服务宗旨,致力于把客户的货物、快速、准确、低成本的递达目的地,并以" 团结奋进,努力向上,尽心进取,以学促强" 的发展观,为公司的久远发展垫定思想基础,努力的为客户提供专业实际的佳物流快递解决方案及服务。