F the last review of the previous exhibition, attracted a total from China, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, China, Britain, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Russia, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Italy and other dozens of countries and regions of 1181 building materials enterprises. The exhibition area is 100,000 square meters, covering 10 pavilions, including 917 domestic exhibitors, 264 foreign exhibitors, more than 50 theme forums and product promotion meetings, attracting hundreds of media reports.
Log board: log, sawn wood, Russia wood, Canada wood, Europe wood, North America wood, Africa wood, South America wood, Southeast Asia wood, New Australia wood and a variety of anti-corrosion wood, integrated wood, sawn wood, carbonized wood, wood lines, wood, etc.;
Whole wood customization: Custom furniture, the wood home outfit, wardrobe, indoor wood door, wood, wood cabinets, kitchen electrical, bookcase, wine, wine cellar, cloakroom, bath cabinets, background wall, shoe ark, wooden furniture, smallpox, wooden chest, wood furniture, annatto furniture, wooden stairs, wood, wooden partition, screen, wood real wood Mosaic wall type custom wood products, such as all kinds of door plank, plank, mesa, etc;
Man-made plank: the pine board, particle board, zero - environmental protection board, wheat straw particle board, plywood, ecological board, joinery board/big core board, density board, fiberboard, melamine board, particle board, fiberboard, sound-absorbing board, decorative panels, furniture board, building templates, fire board, fire prevention board, laminated wood (LVL), the floor base material, integrated timber, wood and plastic, man-made board, etc.
Wooden doors: solid wood doors, solid wood composite doors, molded doors, bamboo doors, etc.
Veneer: technology veneer, veneer, natural/veneer, flooring veneer, dyed veneer, etc.
Wood flooring: solid wood flooring, laminate flooring, solid wood composite flooring, cork flooring, outdoor flooring and other types of flooring;
Wood products: living wood products, wood paddle paper, outdoor wood products, wood carving toys, kitchenware, tableware, stationery, cleaning appliances, laundry appliances, health products, automotive supplies, sports goods, willow weaving, rattan weaving and forest tourism supplies, etc.
Wood crafts: root carving, wood carving, large board tea table, lacquer, picture frame, picture frame, gifts, ornaments, spices, etc.
展会期间,组委会联合多家行业机构、媒体、商等精心筹备了多场各具特色的活动,包括“绿色木材示范区” “ 中国木材行业应用研讨会”“2022中国建材产业发展论坛”、“2022房产商与建材产品供应商采购对接会”、、“新概念样板间品鉴活动”等,活动将深度服务于木产业领域行业人士。届时行业内前沿的观点、的产业链资源在此汇聚,绿色木材产业在此寻找把握市场终端变革和未来发展趋势的风向标注:具体活动以展会现场安排为准,部分活动诚征赞助商及合作方。
Woodworking machinery: wood-based panel hot pressing equipment, wood-based panel veneer equipment, wood coating equipment, wood packaging machinery, inkjet code machine, dust removal equipment, sawing machinery, plate machinery, woodworking machinery, cutting tools/cutting tools/abrasive accessories, drying equipment, wood testing equipment, etc.
All kinds of environmentally friendly wooden houses: wooden villa, integrated house, wooden structure house, ecological/leisure wooden house, combination/harmony wooden house, anti-corrosion wooden house, light/heavy wood structure;
Wood chemicals: preservatives, flame retardants, adhesives, desiccant, dyeing agents, wood coatings, plate additives, resin glue, wood wax oil, insect repellents, modifiers and other wood ingredients and accessories;
Wood-plastic landscape profile: wood-plastic house, pavilion, wood-plastic floor/board, wood-plastic flower rack, wood-plastic fence, outdoor furniture, wood protection, clean pulping, wood utilization;
F Exhibition fee
Remarks on bare space leasing of regional standard booth
1. Double opening booth will be charged 10% more;
2. Standard booth 3m×3m; Configuration: coaming board, lintel board, carpet, one table and two chairs, spotlights and power outlets; 3. The minimum rent for bare space is 36㎡, without exhibition equipment.
Domestic AREA A 13800 Yuan (9m2) 1380 yuan /m2
Exhibition catalogue advertisement (Exhibition catalogue: size 140mm×210mm) :
Cover 2: RMB 12,000 Cover 3: RMB 10,000 Cover bottom: RMB18,000
Door ticket: RMB 5000/10,000 color page: RMB 8,000 Gift bag Advertising: RMB 18000 /5000 (size 295×410mm)
上海建博会预定及时间咨询叶经理,寰域展览成立于2011年,公司主要展会有建博会、装配式建筑展、木博会、硅藻泥展、别墅展、建筑涂料展、民宿展、竹博会等。 寰域展览(上海)有限公司拥有丰富的展览组织策划经验,作为大型会展运营机构,一直是**的会展推广解决方案供应机构,寰域展览凭借完整而周密的展览组织策划, 为国内外企业倾情打造的会展推广解决方案,始终奉行“服务,共创**”的经营宗旨,以的服务,在世界各地建立**服务体系;为业者提供**运营策略一步到位之解决方案。未来的寰域展览,将努力把“低碳、绿色科技地球”此一理念带入会展,为人类美好的生活创造**! 寰域展览(上海)有限公司较其重视人才,具有大学学历的员工占总数的 90% 以上,在引进高水平人才的同时在内部进行定期培训,引导员工学习新知识、掌握新技能。员工精通展会的运营流程、掌握会展管理软件,熟练商务英语交流,我们有完善的展览管理体制和的管理人员,具有永恒的活力和合作精神,而且在发展的过程中始终把诚信为本、服务摆在发展的要位,寰域人以敏锐的目光和细心的分析来寻求市场,以科学的策划思想和*特的展会风格来打动客户,以的工作和优良的服务与客户共处,使寰域展览成为国内外颇具影响的展览会组织单位,公司愿与您携手创造展览事业的一番。我们将一如既往的发扬“诚信、务实、、创新、”的寰域精神,精诚团结,开拓进取,阔步前进。以较、较完善、较的服务,始终不渝的向着现代化、化、**化的集团公司目标迈进!