西门子电机总代理SIMOTICS S‑1FT2 motor, shaft height 80, natural cooling
The SIMOTICS S‑1FT2 servomotors are compact and highly dynamic synchronous motors for a wide range of uses in an industrial environment. They are characterized by high power density, degree of protection and overload capability.
The motors are designed for operation without external cooling and the heat is dissipated through the motor surface.
The SIMOTICS FT2 servomotors are an ideal complement to the SIMOTICS FK2 motors and further expand their range of applications. The SIMOTICS FT2 feed motors are adapted to the SINAMICS S120 drive system.
SIMOTICS FT2 High Dynamic motors
Highest dynamic response through low inertia for highly dynamic applications with low moved masses
SIMOTICS FT2 Compact motors
Precise, stable control with medium to high masses to be moved with medium moment of inertia
Very compact design
Machine tools (e.g. auxiliary axes, feed drives)
Robots and handling systems
Packaging, plastics and textile machines
Wood, glass, ceramics and stone working machines
Compact synchronous servomotors
Torque M0: 1.3 Nm to 50 Nm
Shaft heights: 40 to 100
Rated speed: 1500 rpm to 6000 rpm
Electronic rating plate in motor encoder
Naturally-cooled type of construction without fan
Plug connection for power cable
DRIVE-CLiQ interface for ** cable
IP64/IP65/IP67 degree of protectio
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