Requirements on installation at site (to EN 12056-4 or
EN 12050-1, ...)
▪ Domestic waste water which occurs below the flood level
must be discharged into the public *er by means of a
lifting unit.
▪ Surface water which occurs below the flood level outside
the building must be discharged into the public *er
separately from the domestic waste water by means of a
lifting unit which is positioned outside the building.
If the responsible authorities have not specified a flood
level, the flood level is taken to be at least the street level
(including footways) at the connection point.
▪ The flow velocity in the discharge line must equal
between 0.7 m/s and 2.3 m/s.
▪ Lifting units must not be installed in outdoor pits.
▪ Install all electrical connections (e.g. sockets, CEE plugs)
and alarm switchgears in dry rooms protected against
▪ The effective volume of the lifting unit must be greater
than the volumetric content of the discharge line up to
the backflow loop.
▪ Installation room:
– Sufficiently lit
– Well ventilated
– The rooms must be dimensioned so as to ensure that
there is a working area of at least 60 cm width and
height around and above all parts to be operated and
Installation in suitable installation rooms only;
unprotected outdoor installation is impermissible!
中希皓业(三河)科技有限公司办公室地址位于京津走廊上的明珠城市廊坊,河北省廊坊市三河市燕郊开发区京榆大街1号意华广场写字楼公寓12020,于2020年12月21日在廊坊市三河市市场监督管理局注册成立,注册资本为2000(万元),在公司发展壮大的2年里,我们始终为客户提供好的产品和技术支持、健全的售后服务,我公司主要经营技术开发、技术推广、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务。、承包、劳务,保洁服务,物业管理,销售机电设备、家具、机械设备、金属制品、五金交电、建筑材料、装饰材料、厨卫用具、塑料制品、玻璃制品、办公用品、工艺品、日用品、文化用品、电子产品、化工产品、器械、计算机软硬件及设备。 ,我们有好的产品和的销售和技术团队,我公司属于廊坊软件开发公司黄页行业,如果您对我公司的产品服务有兴趣,期待您在线留言或者来电咨询