Third Party Auditing Procedure 第三方审核程序
To verify compliance with TCCC’s Code, we have designated several third party auditing firms that specialize in social compliance monitoring (see Attachment C). Audits are performed by qualified auditors who are knowledgeable about local laws, living standards and cultural differences in each region. The third party audits will be an impartial assessment of the Merchandise Manufacturer’s compliance with our code and local laws.
All facilities, with special emphasis on manufacturing facilities, are subject to annual inspection and verifications of compliance with our code. Annul inspections are required because factory conditions change rapidly over time, creating a need for re-certification. All manufacturing facilities are subject to annual Code inspections, including factories that have a satisfactory audit history.
TCCC recognizes global challenges and the differences between each manufacturer and level of their development. The following is a global pre-audit and post audit checklist for Merchandise Manufacturers.
Note: Most auditing firms use the same standards for auditing but this may vary by company and procedural attributes. It is important that TCCC’s requirements are showed with any audit firm used.
1. It is the Merchandise Manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure its management understands the requirements of TCCCs’ Code and verification procedures.
2. The Merchandise Manufacturer must complete a pre-audit questionnaire and submit their response to third party auditing firm and to TCCC.
·Merchandise Manufacturers completes and returns the factory profile questionnaire which may include questions regarding labor contracts, wage/overtime policy, collective bargaining agreements, injury log, medical procedures, evacuation procedure, protective equipment polices, etc.
· Provide records of any previous audits of the facility to auditing firm
· Provide factory layout and production flow chart
深圳市凯冠企业管理咨询有限公司是一家从事食品/化妆品/保健品/药品管理、医疗器械管理、信息管理以及汽车管理认证咨询机构,致力于从事BRC、SC、HACCP、ISO22000、GMP/GSP、CGMP、GMPC、ISO9001、ISO14000、OHSAS18000、ISO13485、TS16949、ISO20000、ISO27001、SA8000、AS9100、IRIS、FSC/PEFC、ISO12647、G7、QC080000、FSC/COC、PEFC、ICTI、SA8000、WRAP、ETI、BSCI、ICS、EICC、CSC9000T、GOTS、OCS等认证咨询以及客户验厂咨询、企业管理咨询、管理培训及职业技术职称资格考核培训。凯冠集团总部设在长沙,在深圳、北京、上海、苏州、东莞、成都、宁波、西安、武汉、沈阳、福州、郑州等全国范围内设有十多家分支机构,拥有完善的服务网络覆盖全国,有近百名各类正活跃在全国各地为不同客户提供咨询、培训服务,是目前国内为性咨询(顾问)机构之一。? 公司与部门(省食药监局,省商务厅,能源厅等)、环保行业协会、*****/TUV/BV认证机构等诸多事业单位建立了良好关系。汇集了一批具有丰富实践经验的各行业、**工程师、学者及管理咨询师,拥有一支高素质,实力很强的咨询师队伍。 本公司共有几**门类的咨询服务能力,涉及食品、化妆品、医疗器械、保健品、药品、汽车、航天航空、通讯、铁路、信息技术、机械、电子、石油、化工、冶金、纺织、医院、学校、轻工、建筑、建材、玩具、**、家具、餐饮娱乐、宾馆、运输、环保、物业管理等行业的管理体系咨询服务,成为一家较具规模的非常的管理咨询机构。 ?公司坚持客观、公正、科学、求实、保密的原则,保证工作质量,信守对企业的承诺,使受咨询方切实感受到价有所值的服务和管理提升的现实。我们期待并真诚地感谢您能够选择凯冠的服务,我们将以热枕、严谨、务实的工作态度;、诚信、高效的经营方针;高质量高效率的工作质量为您提供*的管理咨询及服务。