Full Fortran 95/90/77 compliance with extensive support for the Fortran 2003 and 2008 standards; targets 32 and 64-bit Windows. Includes the automatic-parallelizing GFortran compiler
LF Fortran PRO includes the Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 95 compiler, the 32/64 bit Lahey/GNU compiler and adds Microsoft's Visual Studio 2015 with Lahey's exclusive Fortran Integration, the Winteracter Starter Kit, WiSK, for creating Windows GUIs and displaying graphics, Polyhedron's Automake utility, Fujitsu's WinFDB Windows debugger, the Coverage Analysis Tool that detects unexecuted code and performs range-of-operation checking, the Sampler Tool (an execution profiler) that helps tune program performance, Fujitsu's Visual Analyzer, the Fujitsu SSL2 math library (an extensive library and a proven performer on Fujitsu mainframes and workstations) and the Fujitsu and GNU C compilers.
Statically Link GCC Object Files
LG Fortran allows static linking with object files generated by the companion GCC C compiler and supports the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module. Combine your Fortran and C code into one executable. For the routines you don't want to develop yourself, you can also link with C/C++ routines from commercially available libraries.
Gino v9.0
Graphics and GUI solutions for Fortran and C from Bradly Associates. Real-time viewing, animation and advanced graphical scene-rendering brings 3D visualization to a new level using fully integrated OpenGL functionality. Now offered with new product configurations!
Available from Lahey's distributors and resellers.
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