AdBlue is used in the new generation of diesel engines using SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology. The catalyst used in the SCR technology places high demands on the content of urea metals (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al, especially heavy metals) in the urea solution. AdBlue has been used in SCR systems in the automotive industry in connection with the new EU legislation regulating exhaust emission standards in diesel engines.
Benefits of using AdBlue:
BlueBasic has covered most countries and regions in Southeast Asia, Oceania, America, Africa and Europe. The quality and service of Yi Lu Jie are well known.
Million clean road vehicle annual comprehensive production capacity of 200000 tons of urea solution, production base of distribution of 50 outlets across the globe, in mainland China, lu jie and China's cnooc, China petroleum, China petrochemical, caltex, GuangZhiLv, guangzhou airport express, Macao and other customers to establish long-term strategic cooperative relations, to provide exclusive kit for urea solution
the possibility of maintaining or even extending the service intervals of vehicles
increasing the resale value of the car
3-4% lower fuel consumption for EURO 4 compliant engines and 5% lower fuel consumption for EURO 5 compliant engines
Transparent liquid with weakly alkaline (ph=9~10), tasteless or mild ammonia odor (This product is a catalytic reduction agent selection of NOx).
广州市亿路洁化工有限公司位于广州市增城开发区, 是一家生产车用尿素、加注设备和SCR系统配件供应和维修的高科技企业。其2009年底从澳大利亚引进了生产工艺和质量控制体系, 并专注于车用尿素溶液以及车用尿素颗粒的生产和出口业务。亿路洁化工拥有的自动化生产线、灌装和检测设备,年产车用尿素溶液3万吨, 是目前国内技术较成熟、设备较的车用尿素溶液生产企业。 从2013年起,亿路洁化工转向国内车用尿素市场。凭借其的产品务,亿路洁化工已经成为华南区的车用尿素溶液的生产厂家。 亿路洁化工以改善生态环境为己任,致力于“让空气较清新,让天空较蓝”(企业使命)的理念, 努力打造“客户,质量”的环保高科技企业。公司的是: 诚信, 创新,品质。 亿路洁化工拥有**过4年的车用尿素溶液行业经验,向客户提供完整易行的车用尿素溶液解决方案, 包括: 供应的车用尿素溶液产品(包括常温的尿素溶液和温的尿素溶液) 提供储存和分装设备 全面的配送网络(适合客户的配送方式) 设备的供应务 完善的员工和客户培训 Everblue是亿路洁化工旗下的车用尿素产品商标之一, 其采用的以天然气为原料的工业级尿素, 产品完全符合ISO22241(**行业标准)、DIN70070(德国行业标准)、AUS32 (澳大利亚行业标准)。其产品**至中国香港,新加坡,日本和澳大利亚, 深受广大客户青睐。 亿路洁化工以能够为中国的环保事业尽一份力而感到自豪和欣慰,并决心成为您的长期合作伙伴。亿路洁的服务为所有国四、欧四排放的柴油发动机车辆提供的产品和经济实惠的配送方案,并且为客户购买的太平洋保险公司的产品质量险,使您的爱车用的放心、用..