- 所属行业:过滤 过滤原料/配件 油漆
- 供应厂家:桃源县精工猪鬃厂
- 公司地址:湖南省常德桃源县湖南省桃源县热市镇
- 公司网址:http://tybristles.cg160.cn
- 主营产品:水煮猪鬃.油漆刷
/ 0736-6541648
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湖南省桃源县精工猪鬃厂是一个猪鬃专业生产厂家,创办于一九九四年,现有职工一百多人,技术管理人员五人以上,占地面积约三千平方米,我厂现有两条生产线。 第一条线从采购原材料开始,我厂从全国各地采购优质原材料,再用先进的生产工艺生产出“精工猪鬃”产品,从根本上保证了精工猪鬃的产品大质量. 第二条线从采购半成品开始,我厂采购团隧走遍全国各地半成品生产厂家,在他们那里严格挑选好品质的猪鬃半成品采购进厂,然后按照我厂的精工生产工艺改制成“精工猪鬃”产品。 这两条线虽然厂址相隔五公里距离,但是生产管理上是统一、协调、同步地。目前,我厂猪鬃年产量50万公斤左右,我们长期坚持产品质量第一的原则新的经营理念是让外商看到我们的精工猪鬃产品就爱不释手!我厂地处湖南省西北部,邻近有两个世界闻名的风景旅游区——张家界和壶瓶山,厂址正好在长沙市至张家界高速公路旁边,交通特别便宜,我们热忱欢迎海内外朋友前来接洽业务同时观光旅游! We are specialized in manufacturing bristles. Established in 1994. We have 100 workers including 5 technicians. space of 3000 square meters,and have 2 assembly line. We purchasing raw materials of bristles form all place of our country, and then to manufacture the ?°refine bristles?±using advanced produce method. the quality of our ?°refined bristles?±being guaranteed basically in the first assembly line. We purchasing semi-finished bristles put into our second assembly line form many place of our country, according to our advanced produce method and then produce the semi-finished bristles bristle to refined bristles products. Although two working line be at a distance of 5 miles, production are well matched and centralized in management , The output of a year reaches 500000 kgs. We are adhere the principle?°quality first ?°and with new management concept to make our customer satisfaction are guaranteed; Located in north-western Hunan province, Zhangjiajie and Hupingshan are internationally famous tourist spot are near by, the high-way from Zhangjiajie to Changsha across our manufacture facility. With convenient transportation, we sincerely hope Customers in China and abroad to visit our plant build up a business relation and welcome to visit our internationally tourist spot. Company Profile Business Type: Industrial Supplies QA/QC : In house OEM Service: Estimated Annual Sales: 500000 kgs Year Started: 1994 Legal Representative/CEO: Mr Yu Number of Employees: 100 Buy or Supply: 5 Focus Markets: Supplies Factory Size: 3000 square meters No. of R&D Staff: 10 Export Percentage: 60%
欢迎来到桃源县精工猪鬃厂网站, 具体地址是湖南省常德桃源县公司街道地址,联系人是佘高圣。
本公司是一家集生产、科研、销售、服务为一体的企业,打造了一流的研发队伍,高效率的销售网络,完善的售后服务。拥有各种先进专业化生产设备和检测设备,各类技术人员和管理人员齐全,加工工艺先进,完善的产品质量管理体系。为客户提供国内领先的高质量产品。保证满足不同客户的需求。 本厂以“细节决定成败,品质赢得效益”为宗旨,为各界用户竭诚服务! 主要产品有:sKeys等!欢迎新老客户前来洽谈!